by Carol Frank | Jun 28, 2012 | Business Advice
“I have this amazing pet product that I just launched at Global Pet. The response has been nothing short of fantastic and the orders are rolling in. We are still very small, too small to get a bank loan but I need money for inventory and infrastructure. Can you help...
by Carol Frank | Apr 28, 2012 | Human Resources
Want more commitment, loyalty, and productivity out of your best employees? Give them some skin in the game. This article is about a special program for your “top dog” team members – The Equity Participation Program. Your best employees are your company’s most...
by Carol Frank | Apr 28, 2012 | Product Licensing
The e-mail I received a few years ago from Joshua Jones (*) was intriguing: He was eager to talk with me about helping monetize his revolutionary new cat litter box idea. Joshua is typical of many inventors who have a great idea but no intention of becoming a pet...
by Carol Frank | Mar 28, 2012 | Taxes
Recently there has been a rash of pet business owners asking me “Carol, given the uncertainty regarding the capital gains tax, should I sell my company in 2012?” It’s a highly valid question given that the top tax rate on capital gains will rise from 15%...
by Carol Frank | Feb 28, 2012 | The Pet Industry
I get at least one contact a week from a private equity firm that wants to invest in the pet industry. As politely as I can, I tell them to line up behind the other 50+ firms I have on my list that would like to invest in pet. As owners of manufacturing companies,...